00:31:27 Thelma Williams: Good Morning Soror Thomas from Atlanta Georgia 00:31:32 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): Good morning from Los Angeles, CA, USA 👋🏾 00:31:41 Darryl Nettles: Greetings everyone! I am joining you all from Augusta, Georgia, USA! 00:31:44 Marva Rollins: Good afternoon everyone - joining from East London. Barbadian by birth 00:31:48 Michelle Porchia: Good morning Soror from NC USA 00:32:00 Ana De Pina: Hello from Boston, MA 00:32:01 Suzzy Ndiforchu: Good morming everyone! Im tuning in from Washington DC! 00:32:04 Meryl Lieberman: Blessings from Santa Fe NM NAACP, humbly residing on stolen Tewa land 00:32:20 Bakari Copeland: Good morning from Augusta, Georgia 00:32:21 Petronelle Moanda: Petronelle from Congo DRC- in Liverpool 00:32:40 Akinola Adewunmi: Hello everyone, this is Akinola Adewunmi from the UK 00:32:41 Joyce Hope SCOTT: Greetings everyone. I am Joyce Hope Scott, from Boston, MA USA 00:32:54 Anna Perkins: Hi, everyone, Anna Kasafi Perkins from Kingston, Jamaica! 00:33:23 Joyce Williams: Good Morning Carole and everyone. Joyce Williams from LasVegas, Nevada (via Taunton Ave. Hyde Park, MA! 00:34:06 Sara Sewell: Greetings everyone....this is Sara Sewell from London, England 00:34:26 Dr. Gloria C Love: Hello from New Orleans, Louisiana, Dr. Gloria C. Love (PhD) 00:34:45 Jane Eme-Power: Good afternoon everyone, Jane from Liverpool, England 00:34:59 Denise Montgomery: Greetings from Cambridge, MASS 00:36:17 Yvonne Watson: Greetings from Randolph, MA 00:36:40 DORCAS AKEJU, OBE: Good evening everyone from Liverpool UK looking forward to hear from the speakers Dorcas 00:37:15 Judith Paige: Greeting from Boston MA 00:38:01 Denise: Greetings from Boston! Happy UK Black History Month ❤️ It's good to be here! 00:38:24 Wayne Wormley: Greetings from Philadelphia, PA 00:38:46 Patrick Anglin: Greetings from Jamaica. Morning everyone!!!! 00:41:32 Claire Dallas: Greetings from Liverpool 00:50:48 Michelle Porchia: Yes! Yes! 00:51:24 Cristina Ajemian: We need to repeat this over and over! 00:51:30 Michelle Porchia: Yes! Teach! 00:51:33 Judith Paige: BIBLICALLY TRUE 00:52:06 Patrick Anglin: Yes. Ten times yes!!!!!! 00:52:48 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Welcome to everyone from around the world!! Thank you for attending our 9th US UK event. 00:53:04 Joyce Hope SCOTT: You are speaking pure truth and that is Power!! 00:53:37 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Please share your thoughts and we will have a Q&A shortly. Put your questions in the Chat. 00:54:01 Judith Paige: DNA TRUE 00:54:09 Sam P Jalloh: Hi everyone 👋🏿 good to see you all here today to celebrate our history! 00:54:14 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Good Morning Soror T..." with ❤️ 00:54:56 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Good Morning from Ma..." with 🌹 00:55:04 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Good morning from Lo..." with 🌹 00:55:12 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Greetings everyone! ..." with 🌹 00:55:21 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Good afternoon every..." with ❤️ 00:55:25 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Hello from New Orlea..." with ❤️ 00:55:28 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Good morning Soror f..." with ❤️ 00:55:30 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Good afternoon every..." with ❤️ 00:55:35 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Greetings from Cambr..." with ❤️ 00:55:40 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Greetings from Rando..." with ❤️ 00:55:41 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Hello from Boston, M..." with ❤️ 00:55:48 Yvonne Watson: TEACH! 00:55:50 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Good morming everyon..." with ❤️ 00:55:56 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Good evening everyo..." with ❤️ 00:56:02 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Blessings from Santa..." with ❤️ 00:56:09 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Good morning from Au..." with ❤️ 00:56:17 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Petronelle from Cong..." with ❤️ 00:56:25 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Hello everyone, this..." with 🌹 00:56:28 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Greeting from Boston..." with ❤️ 00:56:34 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Greetings from Bosto..." with ❤️ 00:56:34 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Greetings everyone. ..." with ❤️ 00:56:40 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Greetings from Phila..." with ❤️ 00:56:47 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Greetings from Jamai..." with ❤️ 00:56:50 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Hi, everyone, Anna K..." with ❤️ 00:56:52 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Greetings from Liver..." with ❤️ 00:56:59 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Yes! Yes!" with ❤️ 00:57:00 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Good Morning Carole ..." with ❤️ 00:57:06 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Greetings everyone....." with ❤️ 00:57:06 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "We need to repeat th..." with ❤️ 00:57:13 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Yes! Teach!" with ❤️ 00:57:15 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Hello from New Orlea..." with ❤️ 00:57:23 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Good afternoon every..." with 🌹 00:57:31 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Greetings from Cambr..." with ❤️ 00:57:36 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Greetings from Rando..." with ❤️ 00:57:55 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Good evening everyo..." with ❤️ 00:58:01 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Greeting from Boston..." with ❤️ 00:58:10 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Greetings from Bosto..." with ❤️ 00:58:13 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Greetings from Phila..." with ❤️ 00:58:22 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Greetings from Jamai..." with ❤️ 00:58:27 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Greetings from Liver..." with ❤️ 00:58:28 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "BIBLICALLY TRUE" with ❤️ 00:58:34 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Yes! Yes!" with ❤️ 00:58:45 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "We need to repeat th..." with ❤️ 00:58:53 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Yes! Teach!" with ❤️ 00:58:57 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "BIBLICALLY TRUE" with ❤️ 00:59:09 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Yes. Ten times yes!!..." with ❤️ 00:59:16 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "You are speaking pur..." with ❤️ 00:59:24 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "DNA TRUE" with ❤️ 00:59:25 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Welcome to everyone ..." with ❤️ 00:59:32 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Hi everyone 👋🏿 goo..." with ❤️ 00:59:38 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "TEACH!" with ❤️ 01:00:09 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "DNA TRUE" with ❤️ 01:00:14 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Hi everyone 👋🏿 goo..." with ❤️ 01:00:18 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "TEACH!" with ❤️ 01:01:10 David Derefaka: Hi everyone. It’s great to see as many of you here participating in this great occasion. Yes, my mother and grandmother were really powerful and great individuals. Mother Earth. 01:01:17 Michelle Porchia: Yes Chaka Zulu! 01:01:28 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Dr. Mutale is setting the record straight!!!! 01:01:36 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Yes Chaka Zulu!" with ❤️ 01:01:41 Nneka Hall: Reacted to "Dr. Mutale is settin..." with ♥️ 01:01:49 Charlee Martin: Reacted to "Hi everyone. It’s gr..." with ❤️ 01:01:54 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Hi everyone. It’s gr..." with ❤️ 01:02:36 Michelle Porchia: Behind every successful man is a strong woman 01:02:42 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Behind every success..." with ❤️ 01:03:36 Michelle Porchia: Reacted to "Dr. Mutale is settin..." with 👏🏾 01:03:38 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Behind every success..." with ❤️ 01:03:42 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Dr. Mutale is settin..." with ❤️ 01:04:09 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Call the Roll!!! Call the Roll!!! Woman King!! Yes!!! 01:04:36 Denise: Reacted to "Dr. Mutale is settin..." with ♥️ 01:05:15 Syl Kalungi: I hear Truth here, a lot of it. So much Black History and Achievements are not taught in western schools curriculum. Thanks Dr Mutale and the Organisers of this Summit. 01:05:41 Rev Barbara Groover: Amen,amen and amen 01:05:41 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Sooooo grateful that I met Mother Winnie Mandela twice!! In Boston and in South Africa in 2009 !!! 01:05:43 William Wells: So incredibly informative and tragically untold history 01:05:53 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Amen,amen and amen" with 🌹 01:05:58 Charlee Martin: Reacted to "Sooooo grateful that..." with ❤️ 01:05:59 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "So incredibly inform..." with ❤️ 01:06:06 Charlee Martin: Reacted to "I hear Truth here, a..." with ❤️ 01:06:08 Denise: Reacted to "So incredibly inform..." with ❤️ 01:06:22 Denise Montgomery: Thank you Dr. Justina, please keep telling our stories! 01:06:30 DR. Lorna Andrade: How may we get the book or list of these Black women leaders 01:06:38 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. Justin..." with 🌹 01:06:46 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "How may we get the b..." with ❤️ 01:07:01 Michelle Porchia: Say it! Honor the women 01:07:06 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Replying to "How may we get the b..." I will ask Dr. Mutale that important question. 01:07:13 William Wells: This is beyond BLACK history - this is the story of mankind on the planet Earth!! 01:07:29 Denise: Reacted to "This is beyond BLACK..." with ❤️ 01:07:31 Michelle Porchia: Replying to "So incredibly inform..." This is why they are banning the teaching of Black history! 01:07:31 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Say it! Honor the wo..." with ❤️ 01:07:35 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Call the Roll!!! Cal..." with ❤️ 01:07:39 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "I hear Truth here, a..." with ❤️ 01:07:40 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "This is beyond BLACK..." with ❤️ 01:07:44 Charlee Martin: Reacted to "So incredibly inform..." with ❤️ 01:07:45 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Amen,amen and amen" with ❤️ 01:07:47 Charlee Martin: Reacted to "This is why they are..." with ❤️ 01:07:49 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "This is why they are..." with ❤️ 01:07:51 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Sooooo grateful that..." with ❤️ 01:07:55 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. Justin..." with ❤️ 01:07:57 DR. Lorna Andrade: Thanks Carole, I want to lear mor and share the true history , dr. Lorna 01:07:59 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Say it! Honor the wo..." with ❤️ 01:08:02 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Replying to "So incredibly inform..." @Michelle Porchia Soooooo TRUE!! 01:08:04 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "How may we get the b..." with ❤️ 01:08:15 Bakari Copeland: Mama is like concrete set into the psyche of man... 01:08:50 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thanks Carole, I wan..." with ❤️ 01:08:59 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Mama is like concret..." with ❤️ 01:09:11 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Replying to "Mama is like concret..." So True Bakari!! 01:10:02 William Wells: AMEN, AMEN & AMEN 01:10:10 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "AMEN, AMEN & AMEN" with ❤️ 01:10:14 DR. Lorna Andrade: We need this history told daily on the local news and other Public relations addresses Dr. Lorna 01:10:31 Charlee Martin: That's true! 01:11:28 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "We need this history..." with 🌹 01:11:36 Bakari Copeland: "The (media) medium is the message." Protect your energy... 01:11:41 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "That's true!" with 🌹 01:11:55 DR. Lorna Andrade: Instead of people purchasing designer clothes let us spend money by getting TRUE BLCK HISTORY DELIVERED. DR. LORNA 01:12:00 William Wells: WOW 01:12:02 Suzzy Ndiforchu: Amazing!! 01:12:13 Darryl Nettles: Awesome! 01:12:14 Michelle Porchia: 👏🏾👏🏾 01:12:15 Mattie Deed: So blessed to be present to hear this great history of women in Africa. I love Shaka Zulu; the movie I have watched many times and always admired the strength of such a man. But our women are beyond extraordinary, they are empowered to take the lead in this country and often overlooked as leader, but we continue to move forward in our yes in leadership~ We will continue to level up and use our voices unapologetically to speak our truth to bring about change and deliver us from all evil imposed on us as black women in this country! We will continue to teach our history to every generation of how we overcame injustice and continue to fight systemic racism~ I salute all the strong women present today~ I thank you Carole my dear friend for this opportunity to be present. God bless all of you~ 01:12:20 Denise Montgomery: POWERFUL! 01:12:21 Anna Perkins: Thank you! 01:12:24 Syl Kalungi: 👌🏽👏🏽❤️ 01:12:33 Denise: So Powerful & Informative! Thank you Dr. Justina! 01:12:37 Ruben Britt: Awe-inspiring!!! 01:12:41 DR. Lorna Andrade: Than You Dr Mutale. So Powerful Dr. Lorna 01:12:47 Judith Paige: WONDERFUL THANK YOU....AMEN 01:12:50 Charlee Martin: Reacted to "So blessed to be pre..." with ❤️ 01:12:57 Sarah Gielty: Amazing! Thank you so very much. As Nova Reid says - Black women are divine ❤️ 01:13:02 Denise: What a ride! 01:13:03 Claire Ejodame: Thank you Dr Justina!!! 01:13:06 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: HALELLUJAH!!! 01:13:13 Akinola Adewunmi: Beautiful and amazing speech, thank you 01:13:20 Bakari Copeland: Thank you Sister! 01:13:27 Rev Barbara Groover: Awesome, grateful for this summit! 01:13:43 William Wells: Our challenge & opportunity is to find ways to share this information among our Black communities 01:13:48 Michele Greene: So awesome! 01:13:55 Michelle Porchia: We must continue to uplift women. 01:14:00 DR. Lorna Andrade: so sorry my computer keys are sticking forgive typos/ 01:14:01 Robin Parker: Amen! You are speakiing the truth! 01:14:32 Lisa Hamblin: Thank you for sharing Dr. Mutale. This was so powerful! 01:14:34 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: A COMPLETE CALL TO ACTION! TELLING HISTORY FROM THE POINT OF TRUTH!! 01:14:36 William Wells: Information is knowledge and knowledge is power!!! 01:14:46 David Derefaka: That was really great, great, great , great. Please let’s go beyond Amen and start to uplift our women in all works of life and in our spiritual volitions. Thank you. 01:14:50 Michelle Porchia: Reacted to "A COMPLETE CALL TO A..." with 👍🏾 01:15:29 Denise: Lifting as We Climb …... 01:15:51 Jane Eme-Power: Thank you Dr Mutale 01:16:50 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to ""The (media) medium ..." with 🌹 01:16:57 Claire Dallas: Reacted to "I hear Truth here, a..." with ❤️ 01:17:29 Alison Okoi-Obuli: Brilliant piece of history. Indeed taking us back where it all started. And now it should be documented, oral information served it’s purpose then. New approach! 01:17:35 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Instead of people pu..." with ❤️ 01:18:01 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "So blessed to be pre..." with ❤️ 01:18:10 William Wells: Inspirational and beautiful/powerful message. Something we all need as we combat the nonsense and misinformation being delivered by sic people who are harboring fear 01:18:23 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "So Powerful & Inform..." with ❤️ 01:18:31 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Awe-inspiring!!!" with 🌹 01:18:36 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Than You Dr Mutale. ..." with 🌹 01:18:41 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "WONDERFUL THANK YOU..." with 🌹 01:18:48 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Amazing! Thank you s..." with ❤️ 01:18:54 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "What a ride!" with 😃 01:19:35 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thank you Dr Justina..." with ❤️ 01:19:53 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Beautiful and amazin..." with ❤️ 01:20:07 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Awesome, grateful fo..." with ❤️ 01:20:13 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Our challenge & oppo..." with 🌹 01:20:23 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "We must continue to ..." with ❤️ 01:20:30 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "so sorry my computer..." with 😃 01:20:39 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Amen! You are speaki..." with ❤️ 01:20:55 Michelle Porchia: Say it!!! 01:21:09 Ana De Pina: Excellent! Thank you! 01:21:17 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thank you for sharin..." with ❤️ 01:21:34 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Information is knowl..." with ❤️ 01:21:48 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "That was really grea..." with ❤️ 01:22:09 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Lifting as We Climb..." with ❤️ 01:22:13 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thank you Dr Mutale" with ❤️ 01:22:26 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Brilliant piece of h..." with ❤️ 01:22:48 David Derefaka: Sorry, I have to leave this great gathering. Thank you to Garth, Carole Copeland Thomas and all the organisers. Excellent presentation Dr Mutale. Thank you for taking the time to remind us. 01:22:51 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Inspirational and be..." with ❤️ 01:22:54 Mattie Deed: Iconic Black Women; this is a book that our young girls need in this country~ Until we know how to look up we will continue to look down~ I would love to purchase copies of this book as gifts to all of our local black churches that house 99.5% women if not heads of households. We need to see things other than what is being given to our youth on tv and social media! 01:23:14 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Say it!!!" with ❤️ 01:23:21 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Excellent! Thank yo..." with ❤️ 01:23:33 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Sorry, I have to lea..." with ❤️ 01:23:49 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Iconic Black Women; ..." with 🌹 01:23:55 Michelle Porchia: Recently I read where they are saying Cleopatra was not black. (not surprised they are now saying that.) 01:24:22 Patrick Anglin: Please place in the chat some of the books depicting the contribution of black women - both historical and contemporary 01:24:24 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): Cleopatra's mother was Nubian (her father was Greek) 01:24:49 Patrick Anglin: Great session Dr Mutale!!!!!! 01:25:13 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): Read about Hatshepsut (Maat Ka Re) 01:25:18 Denise: Drop the Mic! 01:25:25 Denise Montgomery: It's an honor to know you! 01:25:27 Bakari Copeland: Emmett Till's Mother...Mamie Till-Mobley...Tribute given to the Doctor... 01:25:51 DR JUSTINA MUTALE: THE ART OF ICONIC LEADERSHIP: Power Secrets of Female World Leaders: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Iconic-Leadership-Secrets-Leaders/dp/1784529281 01:26:55 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Recently I read wher..." with 😢 01:27:00 Ana De Pina: My friend wrote this book, “14 African women who made History” https://www.tuliart.com/products/14-african-women-who-made-history 01:27:01 Denise: Thank you Dr. Justina! It's in my Cart. 01:27:09 Patrick Anglin: Thanks @Sharon D. Johnson (USA) @DR JUSTINA MUTALE 01:27:32 Patrick Anglin: Thanks @Ana De Pina 01:27:43 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Please place in the ..." with 🌹 01:28:06 Nicole Ross: Great information for black history month ❤️ Thanknyou Dr Mutale for such brilliant eye opening remarks 01:29:04 DR JUSTINA MUTALE: Email: justinamutale@justinamutale.com 01:29:48 DR JUSTINA MUTALE: Social Media Hashtags #justinamutale @justinamutale 01:30:01 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Cleopatra's mother w..." with 🌹 01:30:08 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Great session Dr Mut..." with 🌹 01:30:17 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Read about Hatshepsu..." with 🌹 01:30:55 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Drop the Mic!" with 🌹 01:31:01 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): Some Books: THE INVENTION OF WOMEN by Olaronke Oyewumi https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/the-invention-of-women AFRICANA WOMANISM by Clenora Hudson-Weems https://www.routledge.com/Africana-Womanism-Reclaiming-Ourselves/Weems/p/book/9780367253639 GOD IS A BLACK WOMAN by Christena Cleveland https://www.harpercollins.com/products/god-is-a-black-woman-christena-cleveland SEEING IN THE DARK: WISDOM WORKS BY BLACK WOMEN IN DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY (Ed. Sharon D. Johnson) https://www.themalibupress.com/seeing-in-the-dark # # # # 01:31:07 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "It's an honor to kno..." with 🌹 01:31:14 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Emmett Till's Mother..." with 🌹 01:31:38 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Replying to "Emmett Till's Mother..." Yes, Mamie Mobley…RIP 01:31:57 Ana De Pina: Replying to "Thanks @Ana De Pina" Most welcome. 01:32:35 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "My friend wrote this..." with ❤️ 01:32:44 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. Justin..." with ❤️ 01:32:55 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thanks @Sharon D. Jo..." with 🌹 01:33:07 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Great information fo..." with ❤️ 01:33:31 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Some Books: THE INV..." with ❤️ 01:33:54 Joyce Williams: Reacted to "This is beyond BLACK…" with ❤️ 01:35:03 Joyce Williams: Reacted to "Our challenge & oppo…" with ❤️ 01:35:34 Michelle Porchia: Wonderful conference...I can't wait to hear more. 01:36:29 Michelle Porchia: Thanks for the book lists 01:36:59 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): Reacted to "Thanks for the book …" with 👍🏾 01:42:17 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ 01:44:07 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Nneka Hall: We know our bodies!! Don’t ignore how we feel! 01:44:18 Charlee Martin: Reacted to "Nneka Hall: We know..." with ❤️ 01:46:36 Charlee Martin: That's a good point! 01:47:01 Bakari Copeland: Powerful Messaging Matters...#noblevoice 01:47:25 Richard Davis: Greetings from Manchester, UK 01:48:00 Sarah Gielty: Thank you so much. So very powerful ❤️ 01:48:01 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Anger into ACTION!!! 01:48:09 Denise Montgomery: Thank you for that perspective; we need that! 01:48:16 Rev Barbara Groover: Thanks so much for telling your testimony 01:48:26 Michelle Porchia: I see you! 01:48:30 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thanks so much for t..." with ❤️ 01:48:36 Denise: Reacted to "Thanks so much for t..." with ❤️ 01:48:38 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "I see you!" with ❤️ 01:49:15 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thank you for that p..." with ❤️ 01:49:22 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thank you so much. S..." with ❤️ 01:49:28 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Greetings from Manch..." with 🌹 01:49:34 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Powerful Messaging M..." with 🌹 01:49:43 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "That's a good point!" with 🌹 01:50:01 Michelle Porchia: I wish I had this information 34 years ago when I was pregnant with my son in my 40s and I lost him at an early birth. Thank you for sharing your testimony. Nneke 01:50:51 Richard Davis: Reacted to "Thank you for that p..." with 👍🏿 01:50:55 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): Reacted to "I wish I had this in…" with 👐🏾 01:51:26 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "I wish I had this in..." with 🙏🏾 01:51:56 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Replying to "I wish I had this in..." Sending you a virtual hug, Soror. 01:53:09 Cristina Ajemian: You member him still and have not forgotten the pain of of his loss. My condolences. 01:53:19 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): The Bridge, The Link, The Backbone 🙌🏾✊🏾 Ase'! ✨✨✨ 01:53:24 Michelle Porchia: Replying to "I wish I had this in..." Thank you!❤️ 01:53:28 Lisa Hamblin: Replying to "I wish I had this in..." Hugs to you too, Soror. 01:53:35 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Hugs to you too, Sor..." with ❤️ 01:53:47 Michelle Porchia: Reacted to "The Bridge, The Link..." with 🙌🏾 01:53:58 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "You member him still..." with ❤️ 01:54:03 Nneka Hall: Replying to "I wish I had this in..." My heart aches for and with you in the loss of your precious one. 01:54:10 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "The Bridge, The Link..." with 🌹 01:54:26 Michelle Porchia: Replying to "I wish I had this in..." Thank you Soror Hamblin 01:54:50 Charlee Martin: Omg 😢 That's horrendous. 01:54:57 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Omg 😢 That's horren..." with 🌹 01:55:16 Michelle Porchia: Replying to "I wish I had this in..." Thank you Nneka 01:55:19 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Child Cancel in Africa…..OMG!!! 01:55:35 Nneka Hall: Reacted to "Thank you Nneka" with ♥️ 01:55:39 Nakira M: Reacted to "Thank you Nneka" with ♥️ 01:56:07 Michelle Porchia: Death from Child Cancer in Africa... So sad. 01:57:12 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Death from Child Can..." with ❤️ 02:00:56 Patrick Anglin: We have a similar problem with nurses leaving Jamaica for the metropoles 02:01:09 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "We have a similar pr..." with ❤️ 02:01:10 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): Didn't know that 02:01:27 Nneka Hall: Definitely 02:01:32 Nneka Hall: YES!!! 02:02:26 Mattie Deed: Insightful info on Black Nurses leaving AFrica~ 02:02:31 Michelle Porchia: Yes, we need to be seen and respected. 02:02:35 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Insightful info on B..." with ❤️ 02:02:48 Michelle Porchia: Reacted to "Insightful info on B..." with 😯 02:02:56 Michelle Porchia: Reacted to "We have a similar pr..." with 😯 02:03:16 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Replying to "Insightful info on B..." Insightful indeed! 02:03:29 Charlee Martin: Reacted to "Insightful info on B..." with ❤️ 02:03:40 Denise Montgomery: Thank you Lady Janet for this powerful & much needed point! 02:04:00 Michele Greene: Thank you Lady Janet ! 02:04:44 Sarah Gielty: Thank you so much Lady Janet ❤️ 02:04:54 Cristina Ajemian: Thank you for raising my awareness about the professional exodus of nurses and doctors from Africa to other arts of the world. 02:05:06 DR. Lorna Andrade: Lady Janet, I get it and will indeed share the concerns. Dr. Lorna 02:06:58 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: 75….Mother Wright was young!!! May she rest in power!! 02:08:48 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Self care! Mother Wright knew how to do so!! 02:08:51 Bobby Anderson: I have to hop off, thank you for a wonderful panel discussion!!! 02:09:00 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "I have to hop off, t..." with ❤️ 02:09:11 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Replying to "I have to hop off, t..." Thank you Bobby! 02:09:26 Charlee Martin: She is iconic, and wise!!! 02:11:01 Michelle Porchia: Reacted to "Self care! Mother W..." with 👏🏾 02:12:32 DR. Lorna Andrade: This program must be shared with all people of color it has been most valuable. I will have to leave soon . THANK YOU All. Dr. Lorna 02:13:11 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): I still have some Jamaican currency graced with Nanny's depiction 🙌🏾 02:17:09 Sam P Jalloh: Amazing presentations family. You may miss me as my battery 🔋 gone 02:17:33 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "She is iconic, and w..." with ❤️ 02:17:46 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "This program must be..." with ❤️ 02:18:20 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Replying to "This program must be..." Thank you so much for your support. Yes, I am thrilled by the power of today’s Summit!! 02:18:49 Michele Greene: Love this artistic depiction. 02:18:59 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Love this artistic d..." with ❤️ 02:19:09 Judith Dallas-Waller: Well done Dr. Perkins. Thought provoking... 02:19:16 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): Replying to "Love this artistic d…" Yes! It's fiercely beautiful ✨✨✨ 02:19:29 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Amazing presentation..." with ❤️ 02:19:52 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Replying to "Amazing presentation..." I’ll ask Garth to have you speak next. 02:20:32 Patrick Anglin: Great presentation Dr Anna Perkins. 02:20:35 Michelle Porchia: Let's dance 02:20:53 Thelma Williams: Wow....amazing. Nani lives. 02:20:55 Denise Montgomery: YES. Let's dance! 02:20:57 Michele Greene: lets dance. 02:21:00 Michelle Porchia: Reacted to "Love this artistic d..." with ❤️ 02:21:07 Fay Dallas: Let’s dance 02:21:15 Sarah Gielty: Awesome! Thank you so much ❤️ 02:21:29 Denise: Yes, ordinary women who are extraordinary! Let's dance 02:21:35 Alison Okoi-Obuli: Amazing! Nanny vs Grandma Miss Bev! 02:22:29 Michelle Porchia: can't hear him 02:22:40 Anna Perkins: Thank you, everyone! 🙏🏿 02:23:28 Richard Davis: Well done, Anna. Your presentation is well received. 02:23:52 Anna Perkins: Replying to "Well done, Anna. You..." Thanks, Richard. 02:24:25 Mattie Deed: Dr. Perkins thank you for those amazing sharing the Nanny Story with us~ I enjoyed all of the wisdom you shared; so good to hear from so many awesome strong courageous black women~ I am so empowered~ Onward and upward~ 02:24:39 Joyce Hope SCOTT: Your talk was so profound, Dr. Perkins. The role of African Spirituality is so crucial yet usually overlooked because of our mental colonization. The Indigenous Knowledge of our Black mothers in Africa and the Diaspora is crucial to our complete liberation and uplift of our people global. Peace, (Dr.Joyce Hope Scott) 02:25:44 DORCAS AKEJU, OBE: Thanks to all my sisters who have been speaking. They are very motivating and inspiring. What an history of so many women. I hope the history of these great women will be captured in a book or books. But my worry is that even though we are trying to inspire ourselves and encouraging our young generation why have we still got gender based issues especially in the developing countries? Am sure we are all still Aware about young girls are still being married of at the age of 12 and over? Women are still being abused and many black women will not speak out. How can we change this? I salute all women for what we have contributed to the world bringing up all our children. I salute all black women where they are for the part they are playing. I salute all my black sisters and all women and men who have played a great part in my life. Thanks to organisers and all speakers DORCAS AKEJU OBE 02:27:25 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thanks to all my sis..." with ❤️ 02:27:42 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Dr. Perkins thank yo..." with ❤️ 02:27:56 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Well done, Anna. You..." with ❤️ 02:28:11 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Amazing! Nanny vs Gr..." with ❤️ 02:28:41 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Let’s dance" with ❤️ 02:28:49 Peter Van Do: Reacted to "Thanks to all my sis..." with ❤️ 02:28:54 Cristina Ajemian: What a remarkable story! 02:29:06 Denise: Reacted to "What a remarkable st..." with ❤️ 02:29:57 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "What a remarkable st..." with ❤️ 02:30:11 Alicine Francois: I hope the recording will be made available. I need to leave for another meeting. THANK YOU! This is inspiring. 02:31:32 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Beautiful presentation, Dr. Perkins! I want to learn more about Nanny Maroon!! 02:32:46 Anna Perkins: Replying to "Beautiful presentati..." Thanks, Dr Carole. There's so much to learn about her. Happy to share more. 02:33:02 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Sam Jalloh…I will watch your biographical video after our Summit ends. Thank You!!! 02:33:56 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: So glad Patronelle that you resisted marriage at 16 and your mother support you to complete your education!! 02:34:45 Cristina Ajemian: All that girls and women need is encouragement and opportunity. 02:34:57 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Powerful African women presented by Patronelle!!! 02:35:22 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Your talk was so pro..." with ❤️ 02:35:36 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "Thanks to all my sis..." with ❤️ 02:36:17 Garth Dallas: Reacted to "All that girls and w..." with ❤️ 02:37:06 Charlee Martin: Reacted to "Powerful African wom..." with ❤️ 02:37:13 Darryl Nettles: APPLAUSE!!! 02:37:19 Rev Barbara Groover: Well said 02:37:20 Sarah Gielty: Inspirational, thank you so much ❤️ 02:37:25 Michele Greene: Applause indeed!! 02:37:46 Syl Kalungi: What a powerful story Petronelle. Thabk you for sharing. Indeed it's time to atop complaining and start Being the change 02:38:00 Denise Montgomery: I love your view on Womens History, Present & Future 02:38:04 Sarah Gielty: Fabulous conference Garth, thank you ❤️ 02:38:07 Darryl Nettles: OUTSTANDING JOB!!! 02:38:09 Michele Greene: Powerful Petronelle 02:38:09 Charlee Martin: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾❤️ 02:38:18 Judith Paige: WONDERFUL PRESENTATION....MUCH TO THINK ABOUT.....JMP 02:38:23 DR JUSTINA MUTALE: Congratulations to all the Speakers. You have been absolutely awesome. I have been inspired and learnt a lot from everyone! 02:38:33 Denise: ❤️👏🏽👏🏽 02:38:42 Michelle Porchia: 👏🏾👏🏾 Wonderful speakers. Informative 02:38:47 Joyce Williams: INSPRIRATIONAL!!! THANK YOU!!! 02:38:55 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): Thank you all! Beautiful day! 02:39:03 Charlee Martin: This was such an inspirational event! All the speakers were on point, wonderful! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾❤️ 02:39:05 Gloria White-Hammond: Thank you for such a RICH conversation. 👏👏👏 02:39:07 Claire Dallas: 👏👏👏 AMAZING SPEAKERS AND STORIES! 02:39:09 Michele Greene: Thank you soooo much for this ! 02:39:11 Yvonne Watson: 🔥🔥🔥👏🏽🔥 02:39:15 Robin Parker: Thank you this was amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 02:39:29 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): REPOSTING THESE RESOURCES 🖤 Some Books: THE INVENTION OF WOMEN by Olaronke Oyewumi https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/the-invention-of-women AFRICANA WOMANISM by Clenora Hudson-Weems https://www.routledge.com/Africana-Womanism-Reclaiming-Ourselves/Weems/p/book/9780367253639 GOD IS A BLACK WOMAN by Christena Cleveland https://www.harpercollins.com/products/god-is-a-black-woman-christena-cleveland SEEING IN THE DARK: WISDOM WORKS BY BLACK WOMEN IN DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY (Ed. Sharon D. Johnson) https://www.themalibupress.com/seeing-in-the-dark # # # # 02:41:17 Michelle Porchia: Will Sam's video be part of the replay? 02:41:32 Mattie Deed: Carole thank you so much for highlighting black women in sharing all these powerful stories~ 02:41:39 Rev Barbara Groover: Thank you my dear sister Carole 02:41:56 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thank you my dear si..." with ❤️ 02:41:58 Mattie Deed: God bess you all~ Great job Garth~ 02:42:04 DR JUSTINA MUTALE: Thank you Carole and Garth and team! 02:42:14 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Thank you Carole and..." with ❤️ 02:42:30 Cristina Ajemian: Carole, Garth and all the presenters today-this has been a wonderful and impactful program. I have learned so much. Thank you all. 02:42:30 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Replying to "Thank you Carole and..." Dr. Mutale you set our souls on FIRE!!!! 02:42:33 Syl Kalungi: Amazing Job dear Garth. Thank you for this Summit ❤️ #BHM 02:42:56 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Reacted to "Carole thank you so ..." with ❤️ 02:43:20 Carole Copeland Thomas She/Her/Hers: Replying to "Will Sam's video be ..." Yes, we’ll have it on the webpage. 02:43:41 Sharon D. Johnson (USA): ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 02:43:53 Mattie Deed: 🙌🏾