MSS Clients And Sponsors ... Become A 2018-2019 Sponsor Today!!

Sponsor The November 1, 2018 Multicultural Conference and 2019 Black History Breakfast and show your commitment to advancing the cause of multiculturalism and global diversity through your partnership with the Multicultural Symposium Series.
As a 31-year diversity professional and the founder of the Multicultural Symposium Series, I am excited about the upcoming activities our initiative will roll out this year.
Who is Carole????
Veteran diversity professional Carole Copeland Thomas, MBA, CDMP, CITM discovered an opportunity for like-minded professionals of different disciplines, industries and backgrounds to create a pipeline for the advancement of global diversity and multiculturalism. By understanding what was missing in the marketplace, the Multicultural Symposium Series (MSS) launched in 2008.
I am also active on LinkedIn.
Please download the 2018 Multicultural Symposium Series Sponsorship Kit as a PDF file. It includes the many ways that we can begin our relationship with your organization. The goal is to provide multiple opportunities to position Enterprise as a committed and leading advocate for diversity, inclusion and multiculturalism.
Sponsor MSS And Bring Carole To Your Organization
The sponsorship levels are highlighted on the last eight pages of the Sponsorship Kit. What may be most beneficial for you is to examine the Achiever, Trailblazer, Gold and Title Sponsorship levels ($7500, $10K, $15K and $25K). Those levels provide the opportunity for sponsoring the November 2nd Conference, the March 2018 Black History Breakfast, our Webinar Series and bringing me to your organization for consulting and training activities. By choosing one of those levels of partnership, your diversity and inclusion objectives can be met both with an external focus and with staff members, managers and your executive team inside your company. We can determine the best way to launch my training and consulting services in a way that will enhance your existing diversity activities for many months to come.
Bring Your Staff To Our Events
The Enterprise and Bronze Sponsorship levels ($3000 and $5000) are also excellent ways to partner with MSS. They give your staff members an opportunity to attend our events as you demonstrate your commitment to the advancement of global diversity and multiculturalism.
Organizations including the Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau, The May Institute, Mass College of Art And Design, Eastern Bank, The Boston Red Sox and Partners Healthcare SPONSOR the Multicultural Symposium Series.
We hope to connect with you with your decision by Friday July 13th.
I can be reached at 508 947-5755.
Continue to enjoy your week.
Who is Carole????
Veteran diversity professional Carole Copeland Thomas, MBA, CDMP, CITM discovered an opportunity for like-minded professionals of different disciplines, industries and backgrounds to create a pipeline for the advancement of global diversity and multiculturalism. By understanding what was missing in the marketplace, the Multicultural Symposium Series (MSS) launched in 2008.
I am also active on LinkedIn.
Please download the 2018 Multicultural Symposium Series Sponsorship Kit as a PDF file. It includes the many ways that we can begin our relationship with your organization. The goal is to provide multiple opportunities to position Enterprise as a committed and leading advocate for diversity, inclusion and multiculturalism.
Sponsor MSS And Bring Carole To Your Organization
The sponsorship levels are highlighted on the last eight pages of the Sponsorship Kit. What may be most beneficial for you is to examine the Achiever, Trailblazer, Gold and Title Sponsorship levels ($7500, $10K, $15K and $25K). Those levels provide the opportunity for sponsoring the November 2nd Conference, the March 2018 Black History Breakfast, our Webinar Series and bringing me to your organization for consulting and training activities. By choosing one of those levels of partnership, your diversity and inclusion objectives can be met both with an external focus and with staff members, managers and your executive team inside your company. We can determine the best way to launch my training and consulting services in a way that will enhance your existing diversity activities for many months to come.
Bring Your Staff To Our Events
The Enterprise and Bronze Sponsorship levels ($3000 and $5000) are also excellent ways to partner with MSS. They give your staff members an opportunity to attend our events as you demonstrate your commitment to the advancement of global diversity and multiculturalism.
Organizations including the Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau, The May Institute, Mass College of Art And Design, Eastern Bank, The Boston Red Sox and Partners Healthcare SPONSOR the Multicultural Symposium Series.
We hope to connect with you with your decision by Friday July 13th.
I can be reached at 508 947-5755.
Continue to enjoy your week.
The Multicultural Symposium Series and Carole Copeland Thomas have worked with companies both large and small who are committed to the advancement of global diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion.

Here's a partial portfolio of the clients and sponsors of Carole Copeland Thomas, The Empowerment Recognition Breakfast and the Multicultural Symposium Series.
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American Business Women's Association
American Society of Association Executives
Bentley University
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Bethel AME Church-Boston
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Boston Medical Center
Boston Children's Hospital
Bridge Street AME Church-New York
Bright Horizons
Bristol Community College
Bunker Hill Community College
Charles Street AME Church-Boston
Concord Baptist Church-Boston
Children's Services of Roxbury
Decor and You
Dimock Community Health Center
Diverse Workforce Coalition of New Hampshire
DuPont Pharmaceuticals
Emirates Airlines
Eversource Energy
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Reserve Bank
Girl Scouts USA
Greater Minneapolis Convention & Visitors Association
Greater Pittsburgh Convention & Visitors Bureau
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
INROADS Central New England
Int'l Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus
Jobs For The Future
John Hancock Life Insurance Company
Keolis Commuter Services
King Printing
Liberty Mutual
Lowell Community Charter Public School
Lurie Davis Wealth Management
Mass Bay Transportation Authority
Massachusetts Dental Society
Mattapan Community Health Center
May Institute
Meeting Planners International
Milton Public Schools
Middlesex Community College
Monster Worldwide
National Fire Protection Association
National Restaurant Association
Northeastern University
Operation A.B.L.E.
Partners Healthcare
Professional Convention Management Association
Rockefeller Foundation
Salt Lake City Convention & Visitors Bureau
St. Paul AME Church-Detroit
State Street Corporation
Syracuse University
The Longaberger Company
R&L Associates
TJX Companies (Marshalls/TJ Maxx)
Tufts Health Plan
Tufts New England Medical Center
Tyco Healthcare
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Department of the Navy
U.S. Department of Treasury
University of Massachusetts-Boston
Western Fairs Association
Wright Patterson Air Force Base